Title Citations Publication Year Author
Physically based dispersion curve feature analysis in the NDE of composites 33 1991 K Balasubramaniam, JL Rose
Structural health monitoring of fiber-reinforced composite plates for low-velocity impact damage using ultrasonic Lamb wave tomography 32 2006 BVS Sekhar, K Balasubramaniam, CV Krishnamurthy
Simultaneous estimation of electrical and thermal properties of isotropic material from the tone-burst eddy current thermography (TBET) time–temperature data 31 2011 N Biju, N Ganesan, CV Krishnamurthy, K Balasubramaniam
Detection of interfacial weakness in a lap-shear joint using shear horizontal guided waves 30 2020 D Koodalil, D Barnoncel, P Rajagopal, K Balasubramaniam
Ultrasonic waveguide-based multi-level temperature sensor for confined space measurements 30 2018 N Raja, K Balasubramaniam, S Periyannan
Moduli determination at different temperatures by an ultrasonic waveguide method 30 2016 S Periyannan, K Balasubramaniam
Measurement of viscosity and melting characteristics of mould powder slags by ultrasonics 30 2011 JC Pandey, M Raj, SN Lenka, P Suresh, K Balasubramaniam
Higher Order modes cluster (homc) guided waves—A new technique for ndt inspection 30 2009 C Jayaraman, CV Krishnamurthy, K Balasubramaniam
Inverse method for detection and sizing of cracks in thin sections using a hybrid genetic algorithm based signal parametrisation 30 2008 L Satyanarayan, KB Kumaran, CV Krishnamurthy, K Balasubramaniam
Assessment of sensitization in AISI 304 stainless steel by nonlinear ultrasonic method 29 2013 ST Abraham, SK Albert, CR Das, N Parvathavarthini, B Venkatraman, ...
Characterisation of rectangular type delaminations in composite laminates through B-and D-scan images generated using Lamb waves 28 2011 C Ramadas, K Balasubramaniam, M Joshi, CV Krishnamurthy
Tone burst eddy‐current thermography (tbet) 28 2008 CNK Kumar, CV Krishnamurthy, BW Maxfield, K Balasubramaniam
Quantifying adhesive thickness and adhesion parameters using higher-order SH guided waves 27 2021 D Koodalil, P Rajagopal, K Balasubramaniam
Insights into the effect of polymer functionalization of multiwalled carbon nanotubes in the design of flexible strain sensor 27 2021 V Sankar, K Balasubramaniam, R Sundara
A study of internal structure in components made by additive manufacturing process using 3 D X-ray tomography 27 2015 K Raguvarun, K Balasubramaniam, P Rajagopal, S Palanisamy, ...
Interface fracture assessment on honeycomb sandwich composite DCB specimens 27 2012 KR Pradeep, BN Rao, SM Srinivasan, K Balasubramaniam
Study of defects in friction stir welded AA 5083 by radiography, ultrasonic and phased array ultrasonic 27 2011 V Joshi, K Balasubramaniam, RV Prakash
Nonlinear Lamb wave for the evaluation of creep damage in modified 9Cr–1Mo steel 25 2019 AK Metya, A Das, K Balasubramaniam
Hot-rod thermography for in-plane thermal diffusivity measurement 25 2017 CM Basheer, CV Krishnamurthy, K Balasubramaniam
Dynamic interrogator for elastic wave sensing using Fabry Perot filters based on fiber Bragg gratings 25 2015 AV Harish, B Varghese, B Rao, K Balasubramaniam, B Srinivasan